Aikido Seminar with Jöran Fagerlund Sensei. 7-8 September 2024

Two weeks ago, on 7th-8th September 2024, Takemusu Aikido Society had the honour of hosting a special Aikido Seminar led by Jöran Fagerlund Sensei, 6th dan Aikido Aikikai. With over forty years of experience, Jöran Sensei’s expertise is well-regarded across the international Aikido community. He has trained under some of the most respected figures, including Ulf Evenås Shihan and the legendary Morihiro Saito Shihan.

The seminar attracted Aikidoka from England, Sweden, and various parts of Ireland, including Dublin and Limerick. Despite a modest number of participants, each attendee received highly personalised instructions, ensuring a deep and enriching experience, which made this seminar truly special.

The seminar began with an Aiki-ken session, where we worked on Suburi and Ken no Awase, guided by Jöran Sensei’s detailed instructions. His focus on the finer points of technique helped clarify fundamental movements, adding new layers of understanding for all attendees.

We then transitioned to Tai-Jutsu, focusing on techniques against Shomen Uchi attacks. The synergy between weapons and open-hand techniques was a key theme, reflecting the Takemusu Aikido approach to integrated practice. Day one concluded with Jo training, covering 20 Jo Suburi and the 6 no Jo Kata.

The second day of the seminar was designed for more advanced practitioners. We began with a Ken Tai Jo session, delving into techniques that utilise the Jo to defend against sword attacks. The next Tai-Jutsu segment focused on techniques against Yokomen Uchi attacks.

The seminar then returned to weapons practice with the 10 Kumi-Jo forms, allowing participants to engage in paired Jo exercises, and finished with techniques against Ushiro Ryotedori (rear two-hand grabs). Each segment of the day built upon the principles introduced previously, creating a cohesive and comprehensive learning experience.

Jöran Fagerlund Sensei’s teaching style throughout the seminar was highly didactic. He paid particular attention to the finer details that often remain hidden in regular practice. His extensive experience, including time spent as an uchi-deshi in Iwama, was evident in his precision and depth of knowledge. All participants, regardless of level, received valuable, personalised feedback.

A key aspect of the seminar was the sense of camaraderie among the attendees. We were joined by several distinguished guests, including Laila Fladberg, an assistant instructor from Gothenburg Aikido Club, and Mike Mc Namara an instructor from Aiki no Michi Aikido Club in Limerick. The gathering of Aikidoka from diverse backgrounds helped foster a rich learning environment.

As the seminar concluded, it was clear that Jöran Sensei’s teachings left a lasting impact. Whether through refining technique or gaining deeper insights into Aikido’s principles, all participants left with something valuable to integrate into their practice.

We extend our sincere thanks to Jöran Fagerlund Sensei for his invaluable guidance, and to everyone who attended and contributed to making this event a success. Special thanks to the Kaizen Dojo for providing the venue and the volunteers whose efforts made the seminar run smoothly.

Takemusu Aikido Society is excited to continue hosting seminars that bring together practitioners from all over the world, strengthening our Aikido community. Keep an eye on our website and social media for updates on future events.

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