
Showing posts from June, 2024

Balbriggan Dojo. 30 June 2024

Today in Balbriggan Dojo we focused on techniques against the Mune-Tsukami (Munedori Ki no Nagare) attack: Tai no Henko Tai no Henko Ki no Nagare Morotedori Kokyuho  Mune Tsukami Ikkyo Mune Tsukami Kokyunage Mune Tsukami Nikyo Zagi Kokyuho #aikido #todaypractice #aikidodublin #aikidoireland #iwamaaikido #iwama #aikidoaikikai #takemusuaiki #ourpractice #aikidofingal #aikidobalbriggan #balbriggan #takemusuaikidosociety

Ringsend Dojo. 24 June 2024

Today a newcomer came to our dojo to try Aikido, therefore we focused on very basic exercises and techniques: Hanmi Migi & Hidari Tai Sabaki: Irimi  Tenkan Irimi-Tenkan Ukemi Mae and Ushiro Tai no Henko Tai no Henko Irimi Katatedori Kokyuho Kosadori Ikkyo Omote Kosadori Kotegaeshi Zagi Kokyuho #aikido #todaypractice #ringsendaikido #aikidodublin #aikidoireland #iwamaaikido #iwama #aikidoaikikai #takemusuaiki #aikidoringsend #takemusuaikidosociety #

Annual Open-Air Bukiwaza Workshop. 23 June 2023

 Today we hold our annual bukiwaza workshop. This time we practised in Balbriggan near Martello Tower. The morning session was dedicated to studying Ken-Tai-Jo, which are advanced techniques of counteracting katana using the staff. Because none of the attendees practised these techniques before, we were able to cover only two first Ken-Tai-Jo: Choku Barai Stop-Go and Awase Ken Tai Jo 1 Kime Kaeshi Barai Stop-Go and Awase Ken Tai Jo 2 Kime  Ken Tai Jo Nage After a lunch break we did a few sword-taking techniques: Gyaku Hanmi Kokyunage (Kokyuho) Ai Hanmi Kokyunage 1 Gyaku Hanmi Kokyunage (one hand throw) Ai Hanmi Kokyunage (one hand throw) Gyaku Hanmi Shinken Shirahadori Ai Hanmi Sankyo #aikido #todaypractice #aikidodublin #aikidoireland #iwamaaikido #iwama #aikidoaikikai #takemusuaiki #ourpractice #aikidofingal #aikidobalbriggan #balbriggan #takemusuaikidosociety #outdoorpractice #tachidori

Ringsend Dojo. 17 June 2024

Today in Ringsend Dojo we continued to study Kokyunage techniques. Tai no Henko Tai no Henko Ki no Nagare Ryutai Morotedori Kokyuho Morotedori Kokyuho Ki no Nagare Morotedori Kokynage Ki no Nagare from down up Morotedori Kokynage Ki no Nagare from up down Morotedori Ikkyo Ki no Nagare  Zagi Kokyuho Before the main class, we gathered in Ringsend Park and practised bukiwaza: Ken Suburi 1 Tachidori Kokyunage 1  Tachidori Kokyunage 2  Tachidori Kokyunage 3 Tachidori Kokyunage 4 #aikido #todaypractice #ringsendaikido #aikidodublin #aikidoireland #iwamaaikido #iwama #aikidoaikikai #takemusuaiki #ourpractice #aikidoringsend #takemusuaikidosociety #bukidori #tachidori

Balbriggan Dojo. Come and Try Aikido Day. 16 June 2024

We were delighted to participate in the Come-and-Try campaign in partnership with Fingal Sports County Council in the frame of International Men's Health Week. The goal of this campaign was to encourage Irish men to try out various sports and provide them with an opportunity to join the club of their choice to become more active and healthy. Today, we hosted a free Come-and-Try Aikido class open to all men residing in Fingal.  The class began with warming-up stretching exercises followed by basic ukemi drills and core-strength development. After that, we moved through the main points of the Aikido technical curriculum and discussed the difference between basic (kihon) practice and Aikido application techniques (oyo waza). During the class, we covered the following techniques: Shomen Uchi Ikkyo Omote Demonstration: Shomen Uchi Ikkyo Ura, Nikkyo Omote & Ura Shomen Uchi Ikkyo Kotegaeshi Demonstration: Shomen Uchi Irimigage, Koshinage Shomen Uchi Shihonage Demonstration: Shomen Uch

Ringsend Dojo. 10 June 2024

 Today in Ringsend Dojo we focused on Kokyunage techniques: Tai no Henko Tai no Henko Ki no Nagare Morotedori Kokyuho Kata of 5 Kokyunage Katatedori Kokyunage 1 (from Irimi Tai no Henko to Iriminage-like throw) Katatedori Kokyunage 2 (throw diagonally down with inner leg control) Katatedori Kokyunage 3 (from up to down through elbow control) Katatedori Kokyunage 4 (from shihonage to underneath elbow control ) Zagi Kokyuho Before the main class we practised bukiwaza in Ringsend Park: Shiboru Undo Suburi 1 Zengogiri Shihogiri Happogiri Shiho Nana Tonbungiri #aikido #todaypractice #ringsendaikido #aikidodublin #aikidoireland #iwamaaikido #iwama #aikidoaikikai #takemusuaiki #ourpractice #aikidoringsend #takemusuaikidosociety

Balbriggan Dojo. 9 June 2024

Today in Balbriggan Dojo we focused on Kokyunage techniques: Tai no Henko Tai no Henko Ki no Nagare Morotedori Kokyuho Kata of 5 Kokyunage Katatedori Kokyunage 1 (from Irimi Tai no Henko to Iriminage-like throw) Katatedori Kokyunage 2 (throw diagonally down with inner leg control) Katatedori Kokyunage 3 (from up to down through elbow control) Katatedori Kokyunage 4 (kokyuho) Katatedori Kokyunage 5 (from shihonage to underneath elbow control ) Zagi Kokyuho #aikido #todaypractice #ringsendaikido #aikidodublin #aikidoireland #iwamaaikido #iwama #aikidoaikikai #takemusuaiki #ourpractice #aikidoringsend #takemusuaikidosociety

Ringsend Dojo. 4 June 2024

Today in Ringsend dojo we practised bukiwaza Suburi 1 Migi and Hidari Migi Awase Hidari Awase Go no Awase Shichi no Awase Shichi no Awase Tsuki variation Before the main class, we covered the following techniques in Ringsend Park: Shiboru Undo Migi & Hidari Suburi 1 Migi and Hidari Zengogiri Shihogiri Happogiri Ken Sou Hou (Awase from Nemoto sensei) 4-6 #aikido #todaypractice #ringsendaikido #aikidodublin #aikidoireland #iwamaaikido #iwama #aikidoaikikai #takemusuaiki #ourpractice #aikidoringsend #takemusuaikidosociety #bukiwaza  #outdoorpractice

Balbriggan Dojo. 2 June 2024

Today in Balbriggan Dojo we again focused on Sankyo variations and techniques based on Sankyo grip. Tai no Henko Tai no Henko Ki no Nagare Morotedori Kokyuho Shomen Uchi Sankyo Henka Shomen Uchi Kaitenage Uchi Mawari Shomen Uchi Katamewaza Uchi Mawari Shomen Uchi Koshinage Sankyo Shomen Uchi Sankyo Henka (Ura) Zagi Kokyuho #aikido #todaypractice #ringsendaikido #aikidodublin #aikidoireland #iwamaaikido #iwama #aikidoaikikai #takemusuaiki #ourpractice #aikidoringsend #takemusuaikidosociety