What is Aikido?

Morihei Ueshiba
Aikido is not a sport, not system of self-defence nor gymnastics. Aikido is budo, literally “the martial way” implying a martial discipline for character development practiced as a lifelong pursuit. Practitioners of budo develop technical martial skills while striving to unify of mind, technique and body, develop their character, enhance their sense of morality, and cultivate a respectful and courteous demeanour. Thus, budo serves as a path to self-perfection.

Aikido was created in the first half of 20 century by Morihei Ueshiba (1883~1969), a master of traditional weapons and empty-handed ju-jutsu techniques including notorious Daito-ryu Aiki Ju-Jutsu. The main feature of Aikido is blending with the power or motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. 

Aikido practitioners develop physical and mental strength through repetitive practice, without rushing and competitions, according to their proficiency level but constantly pushing their limits further and further. Aikido training is not only good for health, but also naturally develops self-confidence necessary for daily life. The dojo is a ideal place to learn about the human equality. All students are welcomed regardless of age, sex, race or social background.


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